
April 9, 2013

Happiness Is a Habit {Printable Quote}

While I was at my parents' house over spring break, I read through a few of my mom's quote books.  I'm pretty sure  I get my love of quotes from her.  
I found a book on happiness, and couldn't put it down.  I wrote down four small notebook pages worth of happiness quotes. Here's one of my favorites.

I often think happy people are just born that way, but this quote makes me think they just work at it.  I love thinking of happiness as a habit, and not just a fleeting emotion.  I'm always trying to develop better habits, and happiness can be one of those habits.  It's easy to be happy when every thing's going your way (how often does that really happen, though), but it's not so easy when life's a bit rough.  I want to learn how to cultivate happiness enough that it becomes a habit for me always, not just when life's easy.  I read another quote from Richard G. Scott that stated, "happiness can and should be the general  background in which life is lived."  I want my life to be that way!
Click here to print your happiness quote. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time. 

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.


  1. This is great, I love this quote. We are not in the process of trying to teach our kids that they are in control of their decisions, they can only control themselves so they need to take responsibility for their actions. This is definitely included! Choosing joy, choosing happiness is something we have to do ourselves. Great quote, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, Natalia! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your wonderful words of wisdom. As I typed up this quote, my three little boys were on my mind. I not only want to develop a better habit of happiness, but I want to instill it in my boys as well. I know they learn by watching, so hopefully I can be a bit of a good example in this regard. Thanks again for visiting. Come back anytime!

  2. Love this! Happiness is something I have to work at, I can easily see the negative side of things. Thanks for sharing! Found you from Tater Tots and Jello.
    Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Gloria! I really needed this quote, that's why I made into a printable, so I could see it every day! Come back any time!

  3. Love the quote and I really like your printable.
    Thanks so much for coming by and linking up! I hope to see you again next week.

    1. KC, thanks so much! And I will be there- I am every week! Enjoy your day!

  4. Adorable printable and great quote! Thanks for sharing at the Give Me The Goods Link Party!

    1. Hi, Amber! I'm so glad you liked the quote. I have about three more pages full of happiness quotes, so you'll probably be seeing more in the future. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Brooke. I agree. Happiness is a choice. I always told my girls, if you don't like what's happening, change it. If you're not having fun playing that game then don't play it. And when they said something negative I asked them to now tell me three positive statements.

    If being happy doesn't come naturally to you then you need to learn it.

    Best wishes, Darlene

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