
September 10, 2013

Enjoy The Scenery {Printable}

We've had an eventful couple of days at our house.  My husband found out he needs a root canal and a crown, one of my twins has pink eye, and the other twin got his second set of stitches in five weeks.  Boy, oh boy!  Isn't life full of ups and downs?  I think it's time for another uplifting quote on happiness.  

Enjoy the Scenery Printable from Blissful Roots
Click to Print

I think it's safe to say there's not a single person alive who can say everything in life has gone exactly as planned.  I definitely can't (our tree-year-old's birthday is the day after our twins' birthday, how's that for lack-of-planning!).  But I have to say I really wouldn't trade any of the detours life has given me.  I can say that now, but often times going through the detours I've wanted my direct route back!  It's taken me awhile to realize that there's always learning, growth, and even beauty in the detours of life.

This all reminds me of something I heard Elder Richard G. Scott say (click here to read more).  He said we really shouldn't ever ask, "why me?" when life gives us a detour.  Instead, we should ask questions like these:

I've memorized these questions, and every time life throws me a curve, I run through this list of questions in my mind.  I love these questions because they lead my thoughts in a positive direction, instead of diving into a pity party, which can be all too easy to do at times.

I sure hope your life is filled with as many direct routes as possible, but don't be afraid of the detours.  They can even be enjoyable, if you'll let them.

Here's another happiness quote I posted a few months ago  I love this one just as much as today's.  Click here to print it.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.

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  1. So true! That is such a great talk by Elder Scott. I use those same questions in my life to help me get through those moments. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and for taking the time to comment, Emily. So nice to "meet" you. These questions are definitely anchors for me too. Come back and visit anytime. Enjoy your day!

  2. Thank you for the great motivation. I know that I am so grateful the detours that Heavenly Father has given me (though in the moment I know I uttered "why me?" more than once). I do think as I am getting older I am trying to ask myself the questions Elder Scott posed.

    1. There are some advantages to getting older, aren't there? I don't know that I consider myself wise yet, but getting wiser for sure. So glad you like the quote and questions! Thanks so much for the comment (again)!

    2. Thanks again for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on…
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