
April 3, 2014

Favorite Children's Easter Books

I think I've shared my favorite children's books for every holiday except Easter.  I don't have a huge Easter book collection, but enough to read during the weeks leading up to the holiday.  Some are new, and some are old, but all definitely worth checking out and adding to your Easter traditions.

Favorite Children's Easter Books @ Blissful Roots

You can click on the links to find a summary of each book, pricing, and reviews.  I do love them all, but if I had to choose favorites, I'd have to go with The Golden Egg Book (I love old school books!) and The East Egg (Jan Brett's illustrations make any book a treasure!).

And because I like round numbers, and the collage only had 9 squares, I have one more to share.

Favorite Children's Easter Books @ Blissful Roots
These are some of our favorites to read at our house.  I hope you'll give them a try if you haven't already.  And please pass along any of your favorite Easter titles that way may be missing.  Reading is such a fun way to add to the holiday atmosphere in your home, and get a bit of educational time in as well!

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.

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  1. What a great list of books. I love easter book. Pinned. Nichole @ Or So She Says

    1. Thanks so much, Nichole! We sure love them at our house!

  2. Your collection of Easter books sounds delightful! It's a great way to infuse the holiday spirit into your home and share some educational moments with the little ones. Thanks for the recommendations!
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