April 23, 2013

The Earth Laughs In Flowers {Printable}

Have you seen the May issue of Country Living yet?  The cover is adorable!  I instantly fell in love with the giant chalkboard, the work space, the coloring- pretty much the whole thing!  After seeing it, I knew the exact color scheme for my next printable.


Do you have flowers blooming where you live?  We have had a lot of daffodils, but the snow, and cold weather have been rough on them.  I sure do love the first flowers of spring!  

I found this quote several years ago, and when spring roll around I like to pull it out.  It makes me smile every time I read it.  

You can click on the quote to print out your own copy. Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.
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  1. I love this printable Brooke! Thank you so much for sharing! I pinned it for you! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

    1. Thanks, Angie! I'm so glad you like it. Thanks so much for visiting. Come back anytime!

  2. What a cute printable! Love the quote.
    Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.

    1. Hey there, KC! It's always so fun to see your face around. Thanks so much for all of your comments. Have a great day!

  3. Love it - totally going to pin it!! So cute:) Thank you!!
    Krista @thehappyhousie

    1. I'm so glad you like it. Thank yo for coming by, and for pinning. Have a wonderful day, Krista!

  4. Thanks so much for linking to Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill. You are being featured this morning!
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend, and join me tomorrow evening for Make the Scene Monday #73!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! Have a great day, and Happy Mother's Day this weekend!

  5. Thanks! I have a pair of earrings that says this. One earring is "THE EARTH LAUGHS IN" and the other earrings is "FLOWERS" with small flowers all around. I love to wear them.

    Thanks for the printable!! I'm going to print it out and enjoy it!

    1. I need to see those earrings! How cute! Isn't this time of year amazing with all of the beautiful flowers. I totally see where Mr. Emerson was coming from in this quote. Thanks so much for stopping by! Come back anytime!

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