July 14, 2014

Get To Know You Blog Hop & Giveaway

Hello!  I'm back (again).  Summer is definitely a tricky time to be really consistent with posting.  We were in Arkansas for our little nephew's (Ben) funeral last week.  As much as I love blogging, being there kind of put a lot of things into perspective.  Not much matters but family at times like that, so it was easy to take a break!  

Get To Know You Blog Hop & Giveaway @ Blissful Roots

Having said that, I'm so excited to be back today and share a fun get to know you blog hop in preparation for a big giveaway next Monday!

As a lot of you know, I'm a contributor at Or So She Says.  I have been pretty much ever since I started blogging.  Mariel has been so great to work with, and does so much for her contributors!  She thought it would be fun to get to know each of us a bit better this week, and then we'll start the giveaway next week.  
So without further ado, here's my get to know you Q&A.

1.  What inspired you to start your blog (or shop?)
I had been a blog stalker for several years, and as I read blog after blog after blog, I realized that  what was going on in the blogging world was right up my alley!  I wanted to try my hand at it, share what I'm passionate about, and maybe even make a bit of money while doing it.  

2.  What's your favorite and least favorite thing about blogging?
I have several things I love about blogging, but my favorites are getting to know the amazingly talented bloggers (and readers) out there, and how blogging pushes me to get projects done!  When I have a post that has to be done, I need content, and that means I have to have something completed to share. Blogging definitely keeps me on my creative toes! 

There's not a whole lot about blogging I don't like.  I think the thing I hate the most comes from myself, and it's the comparison game (I know I shouldn't do it, so why do I?).  I let myself get a bit too caught up in what others are doing, and how I wish my blog could look like theirs, or get the traffic theirs does.  

3.  Tell me with only 20 words, 20 things you love.
Family, my faith, nature, cooking, running, holidays, seasons,  crafting, creating, organizing, nesting, teaching/education, bargains, upcycling, DIY, entertaining, books, collections, puzzles, Pinterest.  A few more than 20 words- sorry!

4.  What is the one recipe you are most often asked to share?  Please share it with us!
The homemade bread in a bag recipe I shared last year.  My boys made it in kindergarten, and we make it all of the time now!  It's delicious, easy, and there's no mess (just the bag you throw away)!
Homemade Bread in a Bag @ Blissful Roots
Homemade Bread in a Bag
6.  What's your personal mantra(s)?  Something you tell yourself on a regular basis?
Life never quite turns out exactly the way you want, does it?  At least mine has taken many twists and turns that I hadn't planned on.  But I've learned there's a reason for everything we go through in life, and we should be asking ourselves, "What should I be learning, and how can I become better through this experience?"

7.  What movie made you laugh more than any other?
Elf.  I laugh through the entire movie every time, without fail!

8.  If you could recommend one family vacation, what would it be?
Maybe it's because we just went in October, but I have to say Disneyland!  I hadn't been in years, and my boys had never been.  We all had such an amazing time.  It really is magical, and the one of the happiest places on earth!

9.  What goals are you currently working on?
More patience as a mother, serving others, and possibly building a home in the near future.

10.  Please share links to 3 blog posts (or items from your shop) that are special to you (or favorites of yours), and explain why.

My Reasons to Stay Home @ Blissful Roots
My Reasons to Stay Home

This is probably my one and only soap box post, and I would like to post it every month, just to reach more readers.  I know every situation is different, and many moms can't/don't stay home, but for those of us who do, there's greatness that can come from it!  In this post I share six reasons (I could have gone on and on, but these cover most of everything) why, for me, staying home is totally beneficial!  I explain what I've learned over the past eight years of being a stay at home mom, and why I relish being at home!

DIY Gift Boxes
I did this post about a month after I started blogging, and it's still one of my most popular.  I love these gifts boxes for so many reasons, but mostly because I learned how to make them way back in fifth grade (thank you, Mr. Downs) and you can make them for any occasion with all the fantastic patterned paper available these days.  They're quick and easy (remember I learned how to make them in fifth grade, so I know you can do it) and make an extra-special package for the small gifts you give.

Scatter Sunshine Chalkboard Printable

I have free weekly printables here at Blissful Roots, and it's hard to choose a favorite, but this one has always been at the top of my list.  I love it because next to my mantra above (what can/should I learn from this experience?) this message is a very close second.  I want to leave each place I visit a bit happier and brighter than before.  I also just love how this printable came together.  I'm always a fan of chalkboard and simplicity, and this definitely delivers!

So now that you've learned a little more about me, it's time to hop around and visit all these other wonderful bloggers who contribute at Or So She Says.  I, for one, am so excited to stop by and visit all these talented ladies!  I know them, but I can't wait to get to know them better. 

Participating Blogs: 

Additional Contributors (not in blog hop): 

And don't forget, this is all leading up to our big giveaway next Monday (July 21st).  I'm so excited about it!!  I won't spoil the surprise, but I'd LOVE to be a winner myself!

So, go and visit all the other fantastic gals today, and then be sure to stop by next Monday for the big giveaway!  CANNOT WAIT!!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.
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  1. Soooooo glad to have you as a contributor! I love the bread in a bag and your reasons to stay home post is so great! Keep it up, girlfriend.

  2. I LOVE the "Reasons to Stay Home" post!! And I love YOU! :)

  3. It was fun getting to know you better! Thanks for the "Reasons to Stay Home" post. Also, I feel like I need more patience too, so when you learn how to do it, let me know! :) Mel@SoFestive.com

  4. This was fabulous Brooke! I can't wait to read some more of your posts. Pinning a few of them for later!

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