May 15, 2014

Happy Is The Family…. {Reading Printable}

I love books!  Which is kind of funny because I don't consider myself an avid reader, but I love them just the same.  I love collecting them, reading with my boys, watching them learn to read, and simply enriching everyday life with books.

Happy Is The Family Who Makes Good Books Their Companions {Printable} @ Blissful Roots
Click to Print
Someday when I have my dream home, I hope to have a small library of some kind.  I'm willing to sacrifice several rooms (formal dining rooms, living rooms, laundry room,...) to make it happen if I needed.  I love the idea of having a place to go, be peaceful, comfortable, and get lost in an amazing tale.  And this will be the quote I'll have in our library.  Isn't it sweet?  I love how President Kimball used the word companions in the quote.  And I know the happiness that I feel whenever I'm relishing the pages of a book by myself, or with my boys.  The perfect way to spend some time!

Here are a few good books we've been enjoying at our house lately.


What good books have you been enjoying lately?

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.
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  1. I love books too and my kids love reading as well. Your quote on your printable is so true.

    If you have a minute to spare I'd be thrilled if you could pop by and share this post at my weekly Say G'day linky party. It's on now and this would be a fabulous addition!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. So glad you like the quote, Natasha. Good books really are the best companions, aren't they?! Thanks so much for visiting! Enjoy your day!

  2. Looking awesome to see your photos . So much thanks for this post guy . Cut Out Image

  3. As we cherish the moments spent with our loved ones, may we never forget that true happiness lies in the priceless connections we share with one another. "Happy is the family" captures the essence of joy, love, and togetherness that defines the bond between family members. In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the warmth and support of family bring comfort and strength. Whether sharing laughter around the dinner table, celebrating milestones together, ebook writers or offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times, the love of family nurtures the soul and enriches our lives.

  4. Wow, this is such a heartfelt vision for a dream library! 📚✨ Just like the innovative ideas on Sharktank, your love for books and the idea of creating a cozy library space is truly inspiring! 🌟🏡

  5. Wow, go ahead! This heartfelt reflection on the joy of reading with family is truly inspiring. Just as books enrich our lives, venture capital firms in Pakistan enrich the startup ecosystem, fostering innovation and growth.


Your comments brighten my day! I know it takes time, and I sure appreciate you taking the time to do it!